Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday Night Quarterback

I was planning on posting tonight a recap of what I did over the weekend, and decided it would be cool to make Monday night posts a regular thing reviewing what I did gaming wise over the past week.

One thing I did was start this blog. Not sure if it's motivating me to paint figures since I've been pretty motivated ever since Cold Wars. But, I am pleased that I've made more than one post since the last time I started a blog one post is all I did.

As for painting, I finished basing around 16 stands of 15mm WW2 British for Command Decision. Most of these were two figure infantry stands with a couple of one figure command stands mixed in. I also finished up four 15mm Shermans and assembled and primered three more Shermans and two Stuarts. This is all for my club's Anzio campaign.

For my Historicon modern game, as I mentioned the other night I was hoping to get a lot done on Sunday. Well, I didn't quite get done what I wanted, but that was mainly due to besides painting up the SAS I have I also worked on flight stands for the game. All in all I'm pretty pleased since tonight I was able to complete all of the fleshy parts and basic uniforms for the 10 SAS figures. I'm considerably less pleased with the quality but I'll save my musings on that for another post.

As for gaming, I didn't play a single thing this past week. Actually, that's how most weeks are with me. I usually always make our bi-weekly Dungeons and Dragons game, but I just wasn't up for the two hour drive (more on that in another post) and I was eager to work on my figures anyway. This week doesn't look so good for gaming either since my wife is going out of town this weekend and I'll be looking after our two sons while she's gone. Maybe I'll break out Triumph of Chaos, a boardgame by Clash of Arms on the Russian Civil War, and start learning the rules.


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