Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First post, why am I here?

The long and the short of why I started this blog is because I'm lazy. Specifically, I'm a lazy wargamer. I have too many figures that are unpainted and too many projects unfinished. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, and one of my friends has more unpainted figures in his basement than most of the vendors at HMGS cons have to sell. However, he has a lot of projects and games that are complete, and that's what I want to work on. Not just painting all of the figures I have laying around, but finishing projects and running games.

Here are some pictures of my unpainted lead.

The above bin holds all of the ships that fought at Tsushima. This is perhaps my biggest shame. I bought them at Historicon 06, and not a single one of them has been opened.
It may seem foolish for someone who has miniatures to paint to waste time writing a blog, but I feel that if I put this up on the Internets for anybody (or nobody) to see, I'll be motivated to get things done. Basically, my hope is that I will work more on my minis so I can post my progress here. That's the idea.
One more thing. I named this Lead and Cardboard since I've been getting into playing boardgames over the past year or so. Also, I didn't call it Lazy Mike or something like that since I want the blog to be about my wargaming hobby in general. And my main inspiration for starting it was Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog http://saskminigamer.blogspot.com/
Till next time...

1 comment:

tim said...

OH MY! You DO have a bit of stuff! Get cracking!