Monday, April 19, 2021

Greek vs Greek


Started up the full campaign game of Peloponnesian War, GMT's solitaire game of the conflict between Athens and Sparta.

Played the initial scenario awhile ago, but made a lot of mistakes.  Quick refresher, in this game you basically play as both sides.  Sort of.  As in, it's possible that you will play as both sides.  You start off as Athens, and depending on how things go, you may switch over and play as Sparta.

To sum up the basic mechanic of the game, whichever side you're playing as, the game rewards you less points for good things than it does bad things. As in, you win a battle as the active side, you get 10 victory points.  You lose a battle as the active player, you lose 15 victory points.

Athens' First Objective

Anyway, Pericles starts the game in Athens as your first general (you randomly draw them as the game progresses).  I dispatched him with some ships and hoplites to Cyllere.  

Ravaging the Peloponnese

The game awards victory points for ravaging the enemy's territory, as you can see above.  Historical.

Meanwhile, Archidamus II rolls into Attica.  Typical.  But hey, his heart wasn't in it.

Meanwhile, I'm feeling really frosty, and I send Cleon to Corinth with a bunch of triremes.  Honestly, I knew (after checking the rules) that I couldn't capture Corinth, or even besiege it, but I'm thinking that in a naval battle where Athens has a slight edge in numbers, I can hopefully win a deceive victory.

At this point, Sparta could not mount another expedition since they lacked the manpower, and Athens had practically depleted its treasury.  Up next, I resolve the battles and sieges.