Friday, July 3, 2009


Along with playing some board games, I've been working on a game for Historicon ( It's entitled Raid on Auntdebbie and is a skirmish level game set in my fictional African island nation, Zamunda. Really the only thing I've had to work on is putting together and painting the Platicville USA airport terminal. Pictures to follow.

As for Historicon I'm signed up for a few games, including Command Decision, which is a battalion level WW2 game. It looks a little like Flames of War (same scale, 15mm) but in FOW each vehicle represents one vehicle and each stand represents a squad (or is it half-squad?). In CD, each vehicle is a platoon and each stand is a company.

Command Decision is a good game but it can be risky playing at a convention. It tends to attract some interesting people. People who may be interesting to talk to but not that much fun to play games with. Oh well. The game I'm signed up for is being run by Jake Strangeway who runs a lot of CD games at the cons and his games are always great.

More on Historicon in a few.

I updated my music and reading lists. For those of you who don't know, Batman is dead. Sort of. He got shot by omega beams and sent back in time, and everyone in the present thinks he's dead. Yeah. Anyway, Nightwing (the original Robin for those of you keeping score at home) has taken over as Batman.

What I'm trying to say is that while all that sounds pretty strange, the new Batman comics are pretty good so far. Much better than the Superman books.


Marshall said...

My Aunt Debbie is a nice lady. Can you please not be too hard on her? She calls me every year on my birfday.

Unknown said...

Hi Mike,
Can I send you a press release about Historicon 2009? Perhaps you can publish some details in your blog. I don't have your direct email address.
Beth Brody