Above are the aforementioned soccer players mentioned in my previous post. It's telling that I didn't bother to take more than one photo of them, so you're stuck with this dreadfully focused picture. Still, overall I'm pleased with them, and even more pleased that I'm finished painting them. In this picture they've been given an overcoat of Army Painter Strong Tone. All that's left is to spray some matte varnish over them and they're ready for the field (I'm not going to texture and/or flock the bases).
The figures I really wanted to work on are my dismounted dragoons from Warlord Games' Pike and Shotte range. Last Summer I painted up the mounted dragoons from the same boxed set, but used some of my musketeers for their dismounts when I ran my ECW game last December. Now that the other half of the set are painted my musketeers can return to their original regiment.
The dismounts are metal figures, so no tedious assembling of plastic miniatures required. As far as I can tell all eight figures are different poses, so that's nice.
In this photo they've been given my basic tabletop treatment, namely basic block painting of each individual "part" of the figure (to me a part is everything that is the same color, such as skin, hair, coat, pants, shoe, etc...).